Your information

We collect the following information to understand who is applying to our programs as part of our work to deliver inclusive programs for our community. Only PCT programs staff can see these responses.

Terms and conditions available at:

Employment Information

Referees (two are required)

Application Materials

Please submit your application materials below:

A. Your current CV

B. A written statement of claims addressing the selection criteria:

  1. Willingness and ongoing commitment to
    personal learning.

  2. Desire to make a positive impact as proactive
    leaders at work and in community.

  3. Ability to think strategically in a big picture context.

  4. Previous leadership experience, style and reflections.

  5. Evidence of leading change though collaboration.

C. Your pitch of why you are the right match for this Program. Why you, and why now? What do you hope to change as a result of the program?

We welcome you to submit your pitch in a format that suits you:

(i) A video of no more than 2 minutes, OR
(ii) Audio of no more than 2 minutes, OR
(iii) Written material of no more than 500 words, OR
(iv) other equivalent presentation we haven’t thought of (go on, surprise us!)



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Participant Information

We collect the following information so we can make travel and accommodation bookings for you, and to help us with preparation for the Program: